Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Taegan's 2 year old Pictures

Last week I took Taegan to get his 2 year old pictures taken at JCPenney. They were running behind and after waiting 45 minutes for it to be our turn, Taegan wasn't to in the mood for pictures. We started out pretty bad. He didn't want to even sit on the ground without me. We forced a couple smiles out of him by hitting mommy in the face with a flower. Oh boy!! The stuff we do to make our kids smile!

After giving up on our first outfit, we changed into our baseball theme. This seemed to lift his spirits a little, but only after the photographer gave him a ball and glove. The problem with this was, he wanted to throw the ball at her! She kept trying to get him to roll it to her and he wanted nothing to do with that! She would roll it to him and he would throw it right back at her!!

He's ready to catch!!
I love this picture. It is such a Taegan look. I can't believe my baby is 2!! Where did the time go?!?

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